All those questions you’ve always wondered about….

What is the difference between barn-laid and cage free eggs?


Barn-laid is a category that has been around for a long time but has struggled for consumer recognition against the marketing powerhouse ‘free range’. Each production system has advantages and disadvantages and the outcomes for the birds are highly dependent on the quality of the management of any system.

For example, a well managed cage system will have the lowest mortality and highest production of any system because the controlled environment (especially feed, water, temperature and humidity levels) results in an extremely low social and environmental stress level amongst the birds, enabling them to reach their laying potential.

Our barn sheds (also called cage free sheds) allow the birds freedom of movement within the shed and meet high European standards for stocking densities, feeding and drinking space, perches and nests. They also have the advantages of environmental controls and don’t involve risks such as predators like foxes or disease borne by other animals or birds like wild ducks that might pass through an outdoor range. A recent outbreak has resulted in the culling of 400,000 birds on one farm (approximately 5% of total NSW egg production).

But compared to cage sheds there are much higher costs per bird in building barn sheds because of the low stocking densities per square metre of shedding and greater losses of eggs (which are laid on the floor or otherwise broken) and birds (due to social stresses and environmental factors).

Ultimately, our commitment is to produce the best eggs possible and that means providing our hens with the best conditions and management regardless of the production system we use!