Remember when you were a kid? How much you loved eggs – with soldiers, in a cake mix, or on a picnic sandwich? We want all kids to grow up with memories like these, so we’ve put together a section dedicated to kids and eggs. It’s designed to help children have fun learning about egg nutrition, their health benefits, and recipes they can make with your help.
Egg Craft Creatures
To create their favourite creatures, all they’ll need is a few crafty supplies, including an egg carton, some non-toxic paint and craft glue, paint brushes, pipe cleaners and some stick on eyes!
To make a Caterpillar:
- Cut out one half of an egg carton lengthways to make the body of the caterpillar
- Paint and decorate the body with whatever colours take your fancy, then allow to dry
- With the pointy end of your scissors, poke some holes in the body where you’ll feed the legs through, and one in the top of the head for the antenna (make sure to help from an adult for this step)
- Cut pipe cleaner into small pieces to feel though the holes and make into legs
Bend a piece of pipe cleaner in half, and place in the hole on the head to make antenna - Glue on eyes, and draw on a face!
To make a Bee:
- Cut out two egg cups from the egg carton lengthways to make the bee’s body
- Paint the body yellow, then allow it to dry
- Paint black stipes on the body, then allow them to dry
- Take one yellow and one black pipe cleaner, place together and fold both ends in towards the centre to make wings
- Use glue to hold the wings in place
- Fold a small piece of pipe cleaner in half and place in the hole on top of the head to make the antenna
- Glue on eyes, fuzzy black bumble bee tail and drawn on a face!
To make a Ladybug:
- Cut out one half of an egg carton lengthways to make the body of the caterpillar
- Paint the body any colour you fancy, then allow to dry
- Paint black spots on the body, then allow to dry
- Stick on furry black ball for the head, and glue eyes on
- Take a small length of black pipe cleaner, bend around the head to make antanna, and glue on!
To make a Creepy Creature:
- Cut around the egg cups in the egg carton to the size you would like your creature’s body
- Paint your creature, then allow to dry
- Poke holes though the body with the tip of your scissors for the legs to go through (make sure to help from an adult for this step)
- Cut pipe cleaner in half, feed through holes to make legs, then bend to shape
- Glue on eyes and any decorations you’d like!